
Showing posts from September, 2020


K: Know the definition of connectives. U: Understand the use of subordinating connectives. D: Do a sentence for each chosen subordinating connective. Words of the Day 1. Connective 2. Conjunction Connectives A connective is  a word or phrase whose function is to link other sentences or phrases. Remember FANBOYS ? Remember: A connective is used to connect sentences and phrases, so a connective is mostly always in the middle of a sentence (with some exceptions like 'As' and 'If'). Task Time In your textbook, page 31, do Part C. If you forgot your textbook, do type your answers in the comment below or in the chat during our online class.  Extend the simple sentences below by using one of these connectives. that     so     because     if     as 1. Tigers are fast. 2. We will go to the sports shop. 3. She wore a dress. 4. I will go. 5. That hat was big. Exit Task Click on this link or type to start testing your mind! :D


K: Know the definition of adverbs. U: Understand the use of adverbs in sentences. D: Create adverbs to suitable sentences. What are adverbs? In short, an adverb is a word which gives information about a verb. Examples: How?  The students answered politely. When? She played the piano today. Where?  The teachers are talking downstairs. Many 'how' adverbs put -ly  in the end of an adjective. Example: Charlie quick ly  tore off the chocolate wrapper. The verb action 'tore' is described by the adverb. When an adjective ends in the letter y , change the y  to an i  and then add -ly  to turn it into an adverb. Example: nois y /nois ily Task Time If you brought your textbook home, do write down the answers in the textbook. If not, type the answers in the comments section below this blog post. Part A: Change these adjectives into adverbs by adding -ly. lazy     silent     happy     scary     marvelous Part B: Identify whether these adverbs are telling you either how, where, or

Unit 1: A World of Adventures

K: Know how to obtain information through questions. U: Understand how to exchange information with people. D: Do some discussions about Unit 1. Talk Time 1. Look at the oceans on the map. Water covers nearly three-quarters of the Earth's surface. Count the number of oceans on the map. 2. What do you think this unit is about? How do you know? 3.  Before we move on, watch this video.   Have you seen a storm or been caught in a storm on land? If so, tell a partner about it. 4. "I'm not afraid of storms for I'm learning how to sail my ship." Do you think Louisa May Alcott believes we should always keep safe or learn how to look after ourselves? You will be broken down into breakout rooms. In 10 minutes, collect as many information as you can from the 4 questions. If you wish to be creative, one of you will be the journalist and jot down the information given on a Google Doc, PowerPoint, or Keynote slide. Describing the Sea On page 9, you will learn some exciting ver

Writing a Draft of Your Adventure Story

K: Know the features of fictional writing. U: Understand the features of fictional writing. D: Doing a draft of your adventure story. Words of the Day 1. Adventure 2. Fiction 5 Features of Fictional Writin g 1. Settings: Helps the reader imagine when and where the story happens. 2. Characters: The people, animals, creatures, and living objects in the story. 3. Problem: Something that goes wrong. Also known as conflict. 4. Suspense: Makes the reader excited to know what happens next. 5. Resolution: How the problem is solved. You can refer to these notes in your textbook, page 24. Homework Create a draft of your own adventure story. By using the 5 features, create simple sentences in order to create the draft of your story. You can use the frames found below or in your textbook in page 24. 1. Settings (Where and when) - It was..... 2.  Characters (Who did you see in the sea?) - All of a sudden... / To my surprise... / To my horror... / I saw / noticed / heard (What were they doing?) - He