Composition: Non-Chronological Report (Monday; 7/12)

K: Know the definition of report writing.

U: Understand the features of report writing.

D: Identify the features in a report.

Words of the Day

1. Present tense

2. Formal English

Non-Chronological Report

Please refer your textbook, page 43 for today's lesson.

non-chronological report is a text which isn't written in time order. They are normally non-fiction texts which give information on a particular subject or event, without referring to the order in which things happen.

There are 7 features of report writing:

Quick note: Passive sentence is when the subject is acted on by the object. Passive sentence is where object is written first, then subject.


Bananas (object) are adored by monkeys (subject).

The money (object) was counted by the cashier (subject).

The squirrel (object) was chased by the dog (subject).

You can refer to the orange box below as the skeleton to create your report.

Can you identify the features in this report from textbook, page 42? Type your findings in the chatbox or comment section below!


Present tense: Yes, it uses present tense. For example, 'London has a wide variety of places to shop'.

Formal style: Yes, it uses formal English. For example, 'London is visited by millions of tourists each year.'

Let's the rest together!


Using your textbook, page 42-43 as reference, find 1-3 reports that have all the features of report writing. The report can be either digital, a paper report, or a mix of both. 

If paper report, you are to paste it in your Composition book. Write down the features and its example like what we did today in Task Time.

If digital, you can print and paste it in your Composition book. Write down the features and its example like what we did today in Task Time.

This is due 1st January 2021 (Friday). Do submit your work in the Schoology assignment section (Week 16).

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