
Showing posts from April, 2024

Composition/Viewing & Presenting - Poem Recital Competition (Tuesday; 30/4) (Thursday; 2/5)

K: Know the theme of the poem competition. U: Understand the checklist. D: Recite our poem passionately. Words of the day 1. Stanza 2. Dreaming   Task 1 You need to write a poem which has the theme, "Dreaming with Eyes Open." What does this theme mean? Does it mean daydreaming? Does it mean living and getting your achievements until you die? Or does it mean something else? Your poem can be done traditionally (written in a test pad/A4) or digitally (Word/Doc). However, if you are doing it digitally, you need to write it out. Please refer to the checklist for your poem: 1. Poem has to have stanza of at least 3 verses. 2. Poem has to have at least 1 rhyme scheme. 3. Poem matches the theme. 4. Poem is neat and creative. Task 2 Once you're done, you need to recite it to Ms Farah and your classmates. The recital should be 2-3 minutes long. Ideally, you should memorize your poem but if you wish to recite it with the poem in your hand, it is acceptable. Please refer to the check

Composition - Commonwealth 2024 (Monday; 29/4) (Tuesday; 30/4)

K: Know the specific criteria of our topic of choice. U: Understand what to write for our essay. W: Convert our essay into a PDF.   Words of the Day 1. Resilience 2. Culture   What is Common wealth? It is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Europe and the Pacific.   Task 1 Using a test pad, choose one topic below and write an essay for your QCEC2024. The word limit cannot be more than 750 words. There is minimum word limit but you can have at least 150 words. The due date is Friday (3/5).  Let's look at the options: 1. What new habit could you adopt to positively contribute towards a greener Commonwealth? Text type - Non-fiction (Persuasive text or informative text) Viewpoint - 1st POV Tense - Mixture of past, present, & future Greener Commonwealth means a world full of nature; a world that is not contaminated or polluted. What can you do to help make the world a better place? Example - Recycling. Reusing things li