Comprehension: Tchang and the Pearl Dragon (Wednesday; 25/11)

K: Know the context of the story.

U: Understand the moral values of the story.

D: Summarize the story.

Words of the Day

1. Bellowed

2. Jiffy

A Tale from China

Please refer to your textbook, pages 60-61 for today's lesson.

What is this story about? What are the moral values in this traditional tale?

Task Time

Please refer to page 61 for today's task. Write your answers in the textbook.

Time to think! Why do you think the Wizard will only answer three questions and no more? Type your answers in the chatbox or comment section below :)


  1. Tchang hopped on the dragon's back in order to cross the river.
    The Pearl Dragon told Tchang to ask the wizard why he couldn't fly.
    It took Tchang a day to climb up the million steps to the door of the Wizard's palace.
    Tchang was afraid to ask the wizard his questions.



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