Comprehension: 'All Summer in a Day' (Wednesday; 11/11)

K: Know the context of the story.
U: Understand the questions.
D: Answer questions.

Words of the Day

1. Savoured
2. Civilization

All Summer in a Day

Please refer to your textbook, pages 20-21 for today's lesson.

Let's read together a story about living in another planet!

What do you think this story is about? Does this story use speech marks? If you were in their shoes, do you think you would like to live in Venus?

Task Time

Please refer to your textbook, page 21 for today's homework. Do only Part A! Remember to write your questions and answers in your Comprehension book. This is due next Tuesday (17/11).

Remember, unless the question requires you to give short answers, you must give your answer in full sentences.

Exit Task

How do you feel about today's lesson? How do you feel today in general? Share your thoughts and feelings with the class!


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