Grammar: Pronouns (Tuesday; 10/11)

K: Know the definition of pronouns.
U: Understand the use of pronouns.
D: Fill in the blanks to its correct pronouns.

Words of the Day
1. Pronoun
2. They


You can refer to your textbook, page 62 for today's lesson.

Pronouns are words that are mainly used to replace a noun in a sentence. There are several different types of pronouns in the English language, each one of these has a particular purpose in the sentence.

Pronouns are used to avoid repetition and even give a better understanding of a context without confusion.

There are 2 types of pronouns:
1. Personal Pronouns
2. Possessive Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Fun fact: Did you know that the 'they' pronoun can also be used to a person whose gender is not specified? If you want to talk about someone and you want to make their gender a mystery, the 'they' pronoun can be used for this!

Possessive Pronouns

Possessive pronouns are never spelled with apostrophes!

Task Time

You can refer to your textbook, page 62 for today's lesson. Let's do Part A together!

Exit Task


  1. 1. he

    2. She, he

    3. they

    4. He, them


    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚it also

  2. 1sT bLaNk - hE

    2nD bLaNk - sHe

    3rD bLaNk - tHeY

    4tH bLaNk - hE

    5tH bLaNk - hE

    6tH bLaNk - tHeM

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  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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