
Showing posts from December, 2020

Composition: Writing an Adventure Story (Thursday; 10/12)

K: Know the features of an adventure story. U: Understand how to write an adventure story. D: Write an adventure story. Words of the Day 1. Adventure 2. Suspense Features of an Adventure Story Please refer to your textbook, page 24 for today's task. Task Time Click here to start your task! Homework Time In your Composition book, create an adventure story about a boy or girl who is forced to fight an evil creature (dragon, ogre, wizard, etc.) in order to save their family or friends. Take note of what is needed in for your homework: 1. Create a draft. You can answer the questions below as these questions can be your draft to plan out your story and idea. Remember: Write these questions and answer them  in your Composition book. A) Who is the main character in my story? Do they have a name? What are the other characters in my story? B) What is the setting of my story? Do they live in a house? Do they live in the forest? Does the story happen during the day or at night? C) What are th

Comprehension: Suggestions to Rest (Wednesday; 9/12)

K: Know how to read the passage. U: Understand the context of the passage. D: Answer questions about the passage. Words of the Day 1. Denied 2. Fog Sleepy Suggestions (A story by Ms Farah) Let's read the story together! Keep an eye out for any important notes in the story. This is a story about Alfonse and Kiran, who have been best friends since they were kids. Alfonse is the blue-haired prince who is kind and serious. Kiran is a responsible second-in-command who likes to hide her face under her big hood.       Kiran did not get enough sleep lately. Alfonse realized that she had been working too hard and too much. When he brought it up, she only shook her head and denied the obvious. So, without her knowing, Alfonse decided to ask his friends on how he could convince his best friend to get a good night’s sleep.    He first asked his sister, Sharena. “Do you know how to tell a person to rest?” he asked.    Sharena smiled happily. “Bring her shopping! After lots of walking, her legs

Grammar: Revision (Tuesday; 8/12) (Friday;11/12)

K: Know the definition of grammar topics. U: Understand the use of grammar topics. D: Do Quizziz about the grammar topics. Words of the Day 1. Speech Marks 2. Verb 1. Similes and Metaphors A  simile  is a type of figurative language that describes something by comparing it to something else with the words  like  or  as . Life is like a box of chocolates. That baby is as cute as a button! A  metaphor  is a figure of speech that describes an object or action in a way that isn’t literally true, but helps explain an idea or make a comparison. Bob is a couch potato. My dear, you’re a firework. Click on this link to test your knowledge! 2. Direct Speech Please refer to your textbook, page 18 for today's task. Time to test your knowledge, kids! 3. Adverbs Please refer to your textbook, page 19 for today's task. Get ready, kids! Exit Task 1. On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in similes and metaphors? Why? 2. On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you in direct speech? Why? 3. O