Comprehension: How Crab Got a Hard Back (Wednesday; 20/1)

K: Know the context of the tale.

U: Understand how to summarize the tale.

D: Answer questions using critical thinking skill.

Words of the Day

1. Trick

2. Calabash

How Crab Got a Hard Back

Please refer to your textbook, pages 72 and 73.

Task Time

Please refer to textbook, page 73 for the questions. Write your Part A answers in your textbook. Now let's do Parts A (and B if we have time) together!

Let's look at the answers.

A1. Crab told Anansi the old woman's name. Anansi then tricked the old woman into giving him her gold. She realized it was Crab that had told Anansi her name so she threw a calabash at Crab. This stuck on his back and is how he got a hard shell.

A2. No. She would have never agreed to hand over her gold if she thought Anansi knew her name.

A3. She stared at each of her children and could tell from their reaction.

B1. He wanted to trick her for a bit longer; he was having fun teasing her; he was enjoying outsmarting her.

B2. Repetition draw attention to her action and makes it stand out. Readers can easily imagine the scene.


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