Composition: Writing Genres (Tuesday, 23/2) (Friday; 26/2)

K: Know the features of diary writing.

U: Understand the differences of genres.

D: Record a short diary of what is happening with our lives.

Words of the Day

1. Diary

2. Genre

Writing Genres

Please use your workbook, page 41. Use a pencil to write your answer, and don't forget to write the day and date!

Features of Diary Writing

This can be found in textbook, page 91.

Now, list down 3 of the the 5 features in your workbook, page 42!


In your workbook, page 42, record some of the things that happen to you each day. The template has been given such as the picture above.

Remember to apply the features of diary writing in your work.

This is due next Friday (5/3).

You may submit the picture in Homeroom course -> English folder -> Week 24 -> Composition - Diary Writing Assignment Section.


  1. Please write this in your HW Journal: Writing a Short Diary. WB. Page 42. Due: Friday (5/3)


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