Comprehension: Introduce Yourself (Monday; 22/2)

K: Know how to extract content from interviews.

U: Understand the differences between direct and reported speech.

D: Answer questions with complete sentences.

Words of the Day

1. Devastated

2. Extract

Introduce Yourself

Please use your workbook, pages 36-37. Use your pencil to write your answers in the workbook.

Direct and Reported Speech

Please use your workbook, page 37. Use a pencil to write your answers in the workbook.


  1. Answers:

    A1. He pulled out of Wimbledon because of his back injury.
    A2. He was unhappy about it because he loved the atmosphere at Wimbledon.
    A3. Murray

    B1. Hlavacek assumed Ferrer would mot likely to win because he preferred clay courts and the tournament used soft grass courts.
    B2. Hlavacek said that because Murray had been playing really well and he was so eager to win.

    C1. Direct
    C2. Direct
    C3. Reported
    C4. Reported

    D. JB asked Danek on who would be the most favourable to win Wimbledon this year.



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