Comprehension: The Old Man (Thursday; 25/3)

K: Know the key ideas in a poem.

U: Understand the poem's message.

D: Write complete sentences as the answer.

Words of the Day

1. Ardor

2. Respect

The Old Man

Please refer to the textbook, page 104.

Task Time

Please refer to textbook, page 104. Write the questions and your answers in your Comprehension book.

Once done, show it to me on Zoom. If not done, take out your homework journal and write the following:

The Old Man. Comprehension. TB page 104. Due: next Monday (29/3)


  1. The Old Man

    1. He felt sad and disappointed that young people were making fun of him.

    2. He may have been satisfied that he was able to catch up with them without feeling tired and sweaty.

    3. Yes because it is mentioned that he has 'ardor', which means passion.

    4. No matter how old one gets, they're still going to be the same person.

    5. No matter the age, people should be respected.

  2. 5 Ver -

    5 Hiems -


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