Comprehension: Soft Landings (Wednesday; 3/3)

K: Know the poem's metaphors.

U: Understand the messages of the poem.

D: Identify the pattern of end rhymes.

Words of the Day

1. Scorching

2. Swifter

To the Moon and Back

Please refer to textbook, pages 96-97.

Task Time

Please refer to textbook, page 97. Let's do Part A together! You can write your answers in the textbook first.


In your Comprehension book, do Parts A, B, and C. These questions can be found in your textbook, page 97.

Take note on some important stuff:

1. You must write the instructions, questions, and answers.

2. You must write them in your Comprehension book.

3. Do not forget the day and date.

4. This is due this Friday (5/3).

5. Write this in your Homework Journal: Compre. Soft Landings. TB page 97. Due: Friday (5/3).

6. Submit pictures of your work in Homeroom Course -> English folder -> Week 25-> Comprehension - Keeping a Diary assignment section.


  1. Part A

    A1. In verse 4, 'everything' is waiting for the space-man. Everything can be their family, pets, home, and such.

    A2. The 'space' words are landings, space-man, blasting off, wake of flame, the moon, cruising, skies, and back to earth.

    A3. Verse 1 - Launch
    Verse 2 - Orbit
    Verse 3 - Flight
    Verse 4 - Return

    Part B

    B1. Launch: blasting off, wake of flame.
    Orbiting: shooting though, twice round the moon and back.
    Flight: cruising through the skies.
    Return: scorching back.

    B2. Verse 1: off the ground
    Verse 2: through the air
    Verse 3: through the skies
    Verse 4: back to earth

    B3. Blasting off, shooting, cruising, and scorching back.

    B4. A


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