Composition: Writing a Suspense Story (Thursday; 22/4)

K: Know imageries and figurative languages that evoke imaginative responses.

U: Understand our setting.

D: Create a convincing suspense through descriptive writing.

Words of the Day

1. Suspense

2. Imagery

Suspense Stories

Please refer to textbook page 124. Let's look at the picture below. How do we know that it is a suspense story?

Let's look at the passage and the colour-coded texts. The coloured texts are characteristics of a suspense story.

What is the weather like?

What are the expressive verbs you can find?

Why are the adverbials used?

Task Time

Please refer to textbook page 125. Draw and write the text from the orange table in your Composition book.


Please refer to textbook page 125. Create a draft for your suspense story in your Composition book. You can use the plot points to construct your draft.

Remember: A draft is short, simple, and straight to the point.

Please write this in your Homework Journal:

Compo. A Suspense Story. Due Date: Wednesday (27/4)


  1. Strong, precise verbs: whipped, shuddered, shivered, crept.

    Sentence starting with present participle verb: moaning

    Adverbs: eerily, angrily, nervously

    Commas to mark off clauses: As they approached the old cafe, they began to feel scared.

    Simile: like a fierce dog

    Punctuation device: Nervously, very nervously, they crept towards the open front door


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