Composition: 2.4 Report a Story (Tuesday; 21/9) (Wednesday; 22/9) (Monday; 27/9)

K: Know the features of a news article.

U: Understand the main points of a news article.

D: Use the news feature to write a mini report.

Words of the Day

1. News article

2. Mini report

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 53 of your learner book. Prepare your Composition book and homework journal.

Task Time/Homework

Please refer to page 53 of your learner book. Write your news article in your Composition book.

Since this is a mini report, your word limit should be 250-300 words. That means you can exceed your paragraphs to around 4 or 5 more. Use the inverted diagram to help you with your planning.

This is also part of your homework, so write the notes below in your homework journal:

Compo. Mini Report. Due: Wednesday (29/9)

Once done, submit your work here in the assignment section:

6 Autumnus

6 Hiems

6 Ver

6 Aestas


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