Comprehension: 4.5 Going Back and Looking into The Future (Wednesday; 27/10) (Thursday; 28/10) (Monday; 1/11)

K: Explore science fiction.

U: Understand an extract.

D: Make predictions through clues from the extract.

Words of the Day

1. Science fiction

2. Incapacitated

Task Time

Read the extract and discuss the questions together. Listen to the discussion well and take notes if have to. All questions have been transferred into Quizizz. 

Your objective is to get 100%. You are highly recommended to have this blog post opened in another tab to skim through the extract for answers.

There are 3 open-ended questions, so please be aware of your spelling, capitalization, and spelling. Ensure you are using your real name. If nickname, it has to be appropriate and you have informed Ms Farah.

6 Autumnus

6 Hiems

6 Ver

6 Aestas


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