Comprehension: 5.3 Support a View (Tuesday; 25/11) (Friday; 26/11)

K: Know the facts on climate change.

U: Understand how to summarize and explain.

D: Share opinions with peers.

Words of Day

1. Generation

2. Excess

Let's begin!

Please refer to your learner book pages 137 - 139. Please answer Set 1 and write your answers in your Comprehension book.

Task Time 2

Please refer to the learner book page 139. Please answer Set 2 and write them in your Comprehension book. 

Task Time 3

Please refer to page 139 in your learner book. You will be placed in breakout rooms and have a small debate on one of the topics above. You may write your notes in your Comprehension book. Take note on the important tips.

For 6 Aestas, please submit your work in the discussion room.


  1. Sample Answers

    1a1. The sequence is unclear. The first order should be box B. The second order should be box D. The third order is box C and the fourth order is box A.

    1a2. (If there are no words, type in a formal way that you understand the terms. If you don't understand one of them, write them down along with its definition).

    1b. (Summarize the flow order in your own words. Should be around 2-5 sentences).

    1c1. Yes, human are responsible. For example, people nowadays are utilizing NFT which generates too much carbon dioxide energy that heats up the planet.

    1c2. No, I believe climate change is not a natural order. If humans were to be responsible in using and conserving energies, heat would not be able to accumulate too much to a point where the Earth gets hot.

    1d. (Summarize and explain the news report in 5.2 in your own words. You MUST write the main points either as a mind map, a cycle map, a flow diagram, or something of the like. You can also choose to use applications like Canva to make your summary).


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