Grammar: 7.2 Language Matters (Monday; 13/2) (Wednesday; 15/2)

K: Know the different features of narrative.

U: Investigate using connectives according to purpose.

D: Explore paragraphs and different sentence types.

Words of the Day

1. Connectives

2. Compound sentence

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 181 in your learner book. Prepare your Grammar book and write today's day and date.

Task 1

Please refer to pages 182-183 in your learner book. Do all of Set 2 in your Grammar book and write each sentence of 2a before writing your answers.

Task 2/Homework

Please refer to pages 183-184 in your learner book. Do all of Set 3 and only write your answers in your Grammar book.


  1. Sample Answers:

    Set 2

    2a1. to contrast
    2a2. to add information
    2a3. to show cause and effect
    2a4. to show purpose/give a reason
    2a5. to provide an example

    2b. (Pick 5 connectives and make your own sentence. Provide its purpose after writing your sentence).

    Set 3

    3a. P1 introduces Flora. P2 Flora's mother starts speaking. P3 Flora replies. P4 Her mother responds. P5 Explains the contract mentioned in dialogue and how absurd it is. P6 Emphasizes how absurd her mother is. P7 Gives more detail about the mother. P8 to 10 Short factual statements.

    3b. Starting a new paragraph when a new speaker is speaking.

    3c. Compound because it uses 'and' to connect 2 main clauses.

    3d. (Relevant answers)
    i) To give emphasis.
    ii) To attract reader's attention.
    iii) For climax.

    3e1. Complex because 'so that' is the connective, implying cause and effect.
    3e2. Effect of a list of features.

    Set 1 (Extra Task)

    1a. (Pick at least 3 narrative style and give examples from the text).

    1b. (Your own relevant answer)

    1c. Third person. There is no I/we/us in the narrative.

    1d1. Flora because mother was written to look ridiculous over the contract.

    1d2. Flora is in the title so she is the main character. The story is written in a way to support/sympathize with her.

    1e1 - 1e3. (Your own relevant answers)


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