
Showing posts from February, 2022

Comprehension: 8.9 Facts and Opinions about Recycling (Monday; 28/2) (Tuesday; 1/3)

K: Analyze the impact of a text. U: Consider the pros and cons of an issue. D: Write a balanced view. Words of the Day 1. Alternative 2. Landfill Let's Begin! Please refer to page 229 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Comprehension book. Task 1 Refer to pages 230-231 in your learner book.  Do not write your answers as we will only discuss verbally. Take 10 minutes to read the passage and answer Set 1. Task 2 Refer to page 231 in your learner book. Do all of Set 2.  Write only your answers in your Comprehension book. Take 30 minutes to answer Set 2.

Revision: Trial Checkpoint Revision List (Friday; 25/2)

Good day students, Please refer to the list below for each grammar topic that will be coming up for the trial checkpoint. Keep in mind that for the essay component, only the writing genre is revealed and not the topic of the essay. Paper 1 1. Colons and semicolons 2. Conjunctions (also known as connectives) 4. Another blog post about conjunctions/connectives 5. Essay - Writing a balanced argument Paper 2 1. Poems (rhyme schemes and stanzas) 2. Alliteration and Onomatopoeia 3. Repetition (Repetition of same word in a text) 4. Simile 5. Compound words/Hyphens 6. Verbs (Action words) 8. Essay - Writing a suspense story Here are some reminders: 1. Be reminded that your English Trial Checkpoint exam will begin on 9th March 2022.  2. Practice writing your essay in a 30 minute time limit. 3. Buy a test pad for the day of the trial. 4. Use either black or blue pens only. Feel free to message me on Schoology for any concerns or confusion. Last but not least, ALL THE BEST!

Composition: 8.10 Summarise (Thursday; 24/2) (Friday; 25/2)

K: Locate relevant information. U: Understand facts. D: Use key words to summarise. Words of the Day 1. Relevant 2. Key words Let's begin! Refer to page 232 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Composition book. Task 1 Refer to page 230 in your learner book for the text. Read this information text about recycling. You are to take 15 minutes to read the text and highlight/take note any important information about recycling. Write a summary about recycling based on the information text.  In your composition book/test pad, you will have written: 1. a mind map/list of your draft; 2. a summary about recycling with some headings. Your recycling summary must be at least 100-120 words. Optional Task Refer to page 233 in your learner book. In class, share your key words with the class and identify on whether your findings are similar with your classmates. Once done, submit your Task 1 work in the assignment section: 6 Autumnus CH 6 Hiems OC 6 Ver OC 6 Aestas OC

Grammar: 8.4 Punctuation with Purpose (Wednesday; 23/2) (Thursday; 24/2)

K: Identify punctuation in a text. U: Explain the purpose of various punctuation marks. D: Write sentences using punctuation to clarify meaning. Words of the Day 1. Punctuation 2. Parenthesis Let's Begin! Refer to page 218 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Grammar book. Task 1 Please refer to page 219 in your learner book. Only do Set 1b to 1c. Copy the sentences of questions 2b and 2c, and write your answers in your Grammar book. Do you still remember parenthesis and its uses? You have 30 minutes to complete this task. Task 2 Refer to page 220 in your learner book.   Do all of Set 2. Copy the sentences of questions 2a and 2b, and write your answers in your Grammar book. For 2a, you can refer to the magazine article we did in 8.2 An Article to Startle. You have 30 minutes to complete this task. Once done, please take pictures or scan your work and send them to your respective discussion room: 6 Autumnus CH 6 Aestas OC 6 Hiems OC 6 Ver OC

Checkpoint Practice: October 2019 Paper 1 (Monday; 21/2) (Tuesday; 22/2)

K: Identify the answers for Section A. U: Understand how to answer Sections A and B. D: Write a biography for Section B. Let's Begin! Please prepare either a black or blue pen. No pencils allowed in this practice. Refer to the PDF files in your CH/OC course. They can be found under the Week 23 folder: 6 Aestas OC 6 Ver OC 6 Hiems OC 6 Autumnus CH There are 2 ways of answering today's task: 1.  If you have your papers with you, answer them in said papers. 2.  If you do not have your papers with you, download the PDF files from the link above and write your answers either in a test pad or lined paper. You have 1 hour sharp to finish Paper 1. Ensure that your videos are on and that you are honest in your work. Once the timer is done, stop doing immediately and we will check our progress next Monday. For those coming back physically next week, do not forget to bring your papers.

Comprehension: 8.5 Follow Instructions (Monday; 27/2)

K: Identify organizational features of instructions. U: Understand command verbs. D: Use quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns. Words of the Day 1. Command verbs 2. Quantifiers Task 1 Please refer to pages 221-222 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Comprehension book. For task 1, take 5 minutes to read the instructional essay before answering set 1 (except 1a2).  You have 20 minutes for this task. What are the organizational features of an instructional essay? 1. Headings. 2. Sections. 3. Numbered steps. 4. A list of items needed. 5. Symbols to show what can and cannot be used or done. 6. Diagram or pictures. Task 2 / Homework Please refer to pages 222-223 in your learner book. Use the instructional essay to find answers for set 2. Write down only your answers in your Comprehension book. Do you still remember what quantifiers are? You have 30 minutes to complete this task.

Composition - 8.7 Make Something (Thursday; 17/2) (Friday; 18/2)

K: Explore ideas and useful vocabulary. U: Plan and edit a draft. D: Write an instructional essay neatly with neat handwriting and layout. Words of the Day 1. Instructional writing 2. Waste materials Let's begin! Please refer to page 226 in your learner book. Write the day and date in your Composition book. What is an instructional essay? An instructional essay is an essay that shows a step-by-step guide on doing or making something. Introduction - Before we start the step, we must introduce the readers about the topic. Write a brief information about the item being made or the situation that will be done. Body of paragraphs - If the essay is making something, the first step is always listing the items. Each step will be better separated in each paragraph. This way, it will be clearer for readers. Conclusion - Summarize the finished product or the final step. Here is an example of how to adopt a pet: Task 1 Please refer to pages 226-227 in your learner book. Only write your draft

Grammar: 8.3 Language and Features (Thursday; 23/2) (Friday; 24/2)

K: Identify different text types and their features. U: Understand the differences between fiction and non-fiction text. D: Write sentences using relative pronouns. Words of the Day 1. Informative 2. Relative pronoun Let's Begin! Please refer to page 217 in your learner book. Write the day and date in your Grammar book. Task 1 Please refer to page 217 in your learner book. Write only the definition of each text type in your Grammar book. Make sure to find one example of each text type as well. You re given 15 minutes to find and write each definition as well as one example. Task 2 Please refer to page 218 in your learner book. Write the sentence and highlight/colour/circle/underline your answer in your Grammar book. You are given 30 minutes to copy the sentences and identify your answers. Do you remember what relative pronouns are?

Comprehension: 8.2 An Article to Startle (Wednesday; 22/2) (Thursday; 23/2)

K: Find out explicit meaning and technical vocabulary. U:Understand the audience and purpose of a magazine article. D: Answer question thoroughly. Words of the Day 1. ecosystem 2. mentality Let's begin! Please refer to page 213 in your learner book. Prepare your Comprehension book by writing today's day and date. Task 1 Please refer to pages 214-216 in your learner book. Take 5 minutes to read and understand the context of the magazine article. Highlight or underline any words or phrases that you deem important. We will then discuss the contents for 5 minutes. Answer Set 1 and write your answers in your Comprehension book. The questions can be found on 213. Task 2 Please refer to page 216 in your learner book. Let's answer Set 2 verbally. You can write your answers in your Learner's book.

Composition: 7.11 Shakespeare Alive (Friday; 11/2)

K: Explore a manga version of Shakespeare. U: Understand the format of the manga and playscript versions. D: Write a persuasive opinion essay about which format we prefer. Words of the Day 1. Production notes 2. Opinion Let's Begin! Please refer to page 204 in your learner book. Prepare your Composition book by writing today's day and date. Task 1 Please refer to pages 204-206 in your learner book.   You are not needed to write anything for this task but instead we are going to have a brief discussion. Please use a pen or pencil to jot down important notes in your learner book. Take 10 minutes to skim through the questions in Set 1 and the manga. In the next 10 minutes, we will discuss together as a class. Task 2 Please refer to page 206 in your learner book. Only write your persuasive opinion essay in your Composition book. However, you are encouraged to write a draft as well. In short, your task: Write a persuasive opinion essay about the Shakespeare format that you prefer.

Grammar: 8.1 Weigh Up Waste (Tuesday; 21/2) (Wednesday; 22/2)

K: Summarize the ideas. U: Understand root words and prefixes. D: Identify the root word for each prefix. Words of the Day 1. Root word 2. Prefix Let's begin! Please refer to page 211 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Grammar book. Task 1 Please refer to page 212 in your learner book. Answer all of Set 2 and only write your answers in your Grammar book. You are to take 30 minutes to finish Task 1. For 2c, it is recommended to use a dictionary to find more words that use the prefix 're-'. Task 2 Please refer to pages 211-212 in your learner book. Answer all of Set 1 and write your answers in your Grammar book. You are to take 30 minutes to do Task 2.