Composition: 8.10 Summarise (Thursday; 24/2) (Friday; 25/2)

K: Locate relevant information.

U: Understand facts.

D: Use key words to summarise.

Words of the Day

1. Relevant

2. Key words

Let's begin!

Refer to page 232 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Composition book.

Task 1

Refer to page 230 in your learner book for the text. Read this information text about recycling. You are to take 15 minutes to read the text and highlight/take note any important information about recycling.

Write a summary about recycling based on the information text. In your composition book/test pad, you will have written:

1. a mind map/list of your draft;

2. a summary about recycling with some headings.

Your recycling summary must be at least 100-120 words.

Optional Task

Refer to page 233 in your learner book. In class, share your key words with the class and identify on whether your findings are similar with your classmates.

Once done, submit your Task 1 work in the assignment section:

6 Autumnus CH

6 Hiems OC

6 Ver OC

6 Aestas OC


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