Comprehension: 8.5 Follow Instructions (Monday; 27/2)

K: Identify organizational features of instructions.

U: Understand command verbs.

D: Use quantifiers with countable and uncountable nouns.

Words of the Day

1. Command verbs

2. Quantifiers

Task 1

Please refer to pages 221-222 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Comprehension book.

For task 1, take 5 minutes to read the instructional essay before answering set 1 (except 1a2). You have 20 minutes for this task.

What are the organizational features of an instructional essay?

1. Headings.

2. Sections.

3. Numbered steps.

4. A list of items needed.

5. Symbols to show what can and cannot be used or done.

6. Diagram or pictures.

Task 2 / Homework

Please refer to pages 222-223 in your learner book. Use the instructional essay to find answers for set 2. Write down only your answers in your Comprehension book.

Do you still remember what quantifiers are?

You have 30 minutes to complete this task.


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