Comprehension - 1.1 What is a Prologue? (Thursday; 25/8) (Friday; 26/8)

K:Explore how books start.

U: Understand the term 'prologue'.

D: Discuss a prologue.

Words of the Day

1. Prologue

2. Runes

Let's Begin!

Please refer to page 10 in your learner's book. Take 5 minutes to read the contents in Getting Started and discuss the introduction with the class.

Task 1

Please refer to page 11 in your learner's book. Take 5 minutes to read the prologue and figure out the answers for set 1.

Next, write down the questions for set 1 and answer all questions 1a to 1d. You are to write your questions and answers in your Comprehension book using pen.

You have 20 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Please refer to pages 11 and 12 in your learner's book. Let's read the prologue together!

Once done, copy and answer set 2 and set 3 in your Comprehension book. Once again, please use your pen.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


Please refer to page 6 to 9 in your workbook. You are to answer set 1 to set 4 by using your pen. It is recommended to write using either black or blue pen, but never red.

The homework's instructions are on the next blog post.

This is due next Monday (29/8). Please write this in your HW journal:

WB 1.1 What is a prologue? Due Monday 29/8


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