Composition - 4.4 Begin Planning a Longer Story (Tuesday; 1/11) (Wednesday; 2/11)

K: Explore chapters of different books.

U: Understand the drafting process of chapters.

D: Write Chapter 1 of your science fiction story.

Words of the Day

1. Chapter

2. Science fiction

Let's Begin!

Please refer to page 101 in your learner's book. Write today's day and date in your Composition book.

Task 1

Refer to pages 101-102 in your learner's book. Using a book of your choice, answer Set 1a and 1b and write your answers in a learner's book. You can work with your partner.

You have 15 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Refer to page 102 in your learner's book. You are to plan and write a science fiction story about a character, or characters moving to another planet.

But before you write, time plan a draft! Use the table below to plan out and construct your chaptered story.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


In your Composition book, write Chapter 1 of your science fiction story. 

'In the future, something has happened that your character/characters are moving to another planet!'

The word limit is 200-300 words. You are to time yourself for 30 minutes when writing your story.

This is due:

Wednesday (2/11) - Ver, Aestas, Autumnus

Thursday (3/11) - Hiems

Please write the notes down in your HW journal:

LB 4.4 Write Set 2b and Chapter 1 (Due dates depending on the class)


  1. 1a. Chapters are important because it organizes stories into episodes. Chapters are also like mini stories where they have a beginning, middle, and ending. Chapters often have climax to leave readers in suspense. (Your summary should be around 20 to 50 words)

    1b1. Most fiction and non-fiction books have numbers in their chapters. However, some fiction and non-fiction books have titles in their chapters.

    1b2. It is to have a predictable story flow for readers. Both are same and different. Fiction focuses on story flow while non-fiction focuses on related facts.

    1b3. Because it is to have a sense of suspense and excitement for the readers. It is also to avoid spoilers.


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