Grammar - 4.6 Working with Voices and Moods (Thursday; 3/11) (Friday; 4/11)

K: Explore the formula of active and passive voices.

U: Predict the conditional mood.

D: Convert voices.

Words of the Day

1. Active voice

2. Passive voice

Let's Begin!

Prepare your learner's book to page 108. Write today's day and date in your Grammar book.

Please refer to page 110 in your learner's book.

Task 1

Refer to page 109 in your learner's book. Answer Set 1a to 1d and write your answers in your Grammar book.

Task 2 / Homework 1

Refer to page 111 in your learners book. Answer all of Set 3 and write your answers in your learner's book.

Homework 2

Do Unit 4.3 in your workbook. This is due Monday (7/11). Please write down the notes in your HW journal:

LB 4.6 Set 3 Due Monday (7/11)

WB 4.3 Due Monday (7/11)


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