Spelling: Set 6 (Monday; 7/11)
K: Know the spelling words of Set 6.
U: Understand the definition of Set 6 words.
D: Create sentence based on Set 6 words.
Let's Begin!
Prepare your Grammar book by writing today's day and date.
Task 1
Ensure you are at voice level 0 when spelling has started. Show a thumbs-up for 3 seconds once you're done writing the word.
Task 2
Using a dictionary or learner's book, write the definition of Set 6 words except
- thirsty tide
- fresh as the rainfall
- reap the waters
- fresh streams surge
You have 20 minutes for this task.
Task 3
Create a sentence for each of the Set 6 words and phrases in your Grammar book.
You have 25 minutes for this task.
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