Comprehension - 5.6 A Balanced Report (Monday; 9/1)

K: Know the features of a balanced report.

U: Understand the context of the balanced report.

D: Answer questions based on the balanced report.

Words of the Day

1. Balanced

2. Objective

Let's begin!

Refer to page 144 in your learner's book. Please write the day and date in your comprehension book.

A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.

Task 1

Please refer to page 145 in your learner's book. Let's read the balanced report together!

You have 10 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Please refer to pages 144 and 146 in your learner's book. Only answer all of Set 1 and write only your answers in your comprehension book.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


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