Spelling Set 3 - A Strong Viewpoint (Monday; 29/5)

K: Know the Set 3 words.

U: Understand the tone in Set 3 passage.

D: Find the definition of Set 3 words.

Let's begin!

Task 1

While the spelling and dictation are in place, ensure that you are on Voice Level 0 which means no talking.

Once you are done with the spelling and dictation, just show a thumbs-up for 3 seconds and wait patiently for the next word.

For every error, you must rewrite it 3 times after we've checked.

Task 2 (Definition)

Using a dictionary or your learner's book, write the formal definition for each word. Even if you know the word, you must write down the definition from a dictionary.

You have 20 minutes for this task.

Task 3 (Sentence Creation)

Create a sentence for each of the Set 3 words. Ensure that your sentence is at least 5 words long. Be creative with your sentences!

You have 20 minutes for this task.


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