Comprehension - 5.6 A Balanced Report (Thursday; 8/6) (Friday; 9/6)

K: Analyze a balanced report.

U: Explore the layout features of a text.

D: Discuss meanings in a text.

Words of the Day

1. Balanced report

2. Summarise

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 114 in your workbook. Write today's day and date with any coloured pen except red.

Task 1

Read the instruction from page 114 and answer Focus 1. Let's read the report together! Afterwards, answer the question based on the given instruction.

You have 15 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Using the report, answer all the questions in Practice 2. These are on page 115.

You have 25 minutes for this task.

Task 3

Refer to page 116 and answer Challenge 3. Remember to only focus on the topic sentences or key points from the report.

You have 15 minutes for this task.


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