Grammar & Composition - 4.9 Going Forward in Time (Tuesday; 6/6) (Wednesday; 7/6)

K: Identify the proper connectives in sentences.

U: Understand the extract of a story.

D: Write a science fiction introduction.

Words of the Day

1. Science fiction

2. Connectives

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 92 in your workbook. Write today's day and date with a black or blue pen.

Task 1

Refer to page 92 and do Focus 1. You can only use 1 connective per empty space. You have 10 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Refer to page 92 in your workbook for Practice 2. Read the instructions thoroughly. Your word count can be at most 50 words.

You have 15 minutes for this task.

Task 3

Refer to page 93 in your workbook. Read the instructions carefully. You may use a test pad if needed. The word limit is at least 50 words.

You can 20 minutes for this task.


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