Comprehension - 1.2 Delve into Detail (Tuesday; 29/8) (Wednesday; 30/8)

K: Identify relevant details.

U:Understand the mood and how its created.

D: Work with prefixes and word origins.

Words of the Day

1. Fiction

2. Flashback

Let's Begin!

Please refer to page 14 in your learner's book. Prepare your Comprehension book and write today's day and date.

The passage can be found in pages 12 to 13.

Task 1

Please refer to pages 15 to 16 in your learner's book.

Do all of Set 1. Only write your answers in your Comprehension book. Do not forget to label your answers accordingly. Please check your spelling, punctuation and capitalization.

You have 30 minutes to answer.


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