Comprehension & Composition - A Short Autobiography (Wednesday; 23/8)

K: Remember the features of an autobiography.

U: Understand the instructions.

D: Write a short autobiography.

Words of the day

1. Autobiography

2. Reminisce 

What is an Autobiography?

An account of a person's life written by that person.

1. Uses first person point-of-view (1st POV).

2. Recount an author's life in chronological order.

3. More personal.

4. Uses formal language.

5. Uses dates, times, and specific places.

Task 1

Using your comprehension book, write today's day and date. You may use any coloured pen except red. Answer the questions below and only write your answers in your comprehension book.

You have 20 minutes for this task.

1. What is your full name? What will you like to be called?

2. What are your interests? Do you have hobbies?

3. Between 30 to 50 words, describe your goals for your Year 6 journey.


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