Composition - 2.4 Report a Story (Monday; 25/9) (Tuesday; 26/9)

K: Identify the language features of a news article.

U: Draft out a news report using its features.

D: Write a news report.

Words of the Day

1. Headline

2. Newsworthy

Let's Begin!

Refer to page 53 in your learner's book. Write today's day and date in your Composition test pad.

How to write a Newspaper Report

1. Create a catchy headline to catch people's attention.

Example: Seladang Swam Their Way to Victory!

2. Add byline under your headline. Byline is the author's name aka you.

Example: Farah Zulkifli

3. Plan your first and second paragraphs using 5W1H. Example:

What: Annual Swimming Gala 2022

When: 22nd February 2022

Where: Cempaka Damansara Heights

Who: Seladang house

Why: Won the Swimming Gala

How: By collecting the most points out of all houses.

4. Third or fourth paragraphs should have related information. You can use direct or reported speech.

Example of direct speech: "It was a tough match but we won! I can't express how grateful I am to the team," said Kok Leonn, the Seladang captain.

Example of reported speech: Kok Leonn, the Seladang captain said that it was a tough match but they won and that he couldn't express how grateful he was to the team.

5. You can also add predictions (what will happen in the future) in the 'Other important information' section.

Example: The next Swimming Gala will be held at...

6. Last paragraph should be optional details. Add opinions from other people or suggestions/promotions/recommendations.

Example: For the latest update of the next school event, check out the website, for more info!

Task 1

Please refer to pages 53-54 in your learner's book. Write a news report based on the instructions given in 1b. You word limit should be 250-300 words. Refer to the checklist in the green box when you write your news report.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


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