Composition - 4.4 Begin Planning a Longer Story (Thursday; 2/11) (Friday; 3/11)

K: Explore chapters of different books.

U: Understand the drafting process of chapters.

D: Write Chapter 1 of your science fiction story.

Words of the Day

1. Chapter

2. Plot

Let's Begin!

Please refer to page 101 in your learner's book. Write today's day and date in your Composition book.

Do your remember the 5-plot sequence?

1. Introduction - Introduces character, setting, giving the readers an idea of what the story will be about.

2. Rising Action - Story progresses. Readers get to read how the characters act and do which will lead to the major point of the story.

3. Climax - The major plot point of the story. Gives high reactions from readers. This is where characters go through the big challenges.

4. Falling Action - Story progresses after climax has calmed down/settled. Characters deal with the aftermath of major plot point. Story starts to end.

5. Ending - Story ends. Problem is either solved or unsolved. Might leave readers happy , unhappy, or asking for more.

Task 1

Refer to pages 101-102 in your learner's book. Using a book of your choice, answer Set 1a and 1b and write your short answers in your learner's book.

For the summary in 1a, we shall discuss it verbally.

You have 10 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Refer to page 102 in your learner's book. In your Composition test pad, write Chapter 1 of your science fiction story. 

'In the future, something has happened that your character/characters are moving to another planet!'

Your word limit is between 200-300 words. Use the table below to plan out and construct your chaptered story.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


In your Workbook, answer Unit 3.1 and Unit 3.2 by using a pen. This is due on Monday (6/11). 

After answering, you may refer to my next workbook blog to check and mark your answers. Write down the information below in your HW journal:

WB 3.1 and 3.2 (Due Monday 6/11)


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