Composition - 5.3 Support a View (Thursday; 18/1) (Friday; 19/1)

K: Distinguish between facts and opinions.

U: Explore an explanation.

D: Extend a discussion by building on our own and others' ideas.

Words of the Day

1. Persuasive

2. Environment

Let's begin!

Please refer to your learner book pages 137 - 139. Write today's day and date in your Comprehension book.

Task 1

Refer to page 138 in your learner's book. Answer Set 1a to 1c. Prepare a pen to write some notes in your LB book.

For Set 1b and 1c, work in pairs and verbally answer the questions. You will have 15 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Refer to page 139 in your learner's book. Do the first two bullet points of Set 2 and write your persuasive essay in your test pad.

Each persuasive statement needs to be around 100 to 150 words.

You have 30 minutes for this task.


Refer to pages 101 - 103 in your workbook. Answer with any coloured pen except red. The sample answers can be found in the next blog. Please write down the due date in your HW journal:

WB 5.1 (Due: Monday; 22/1)


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