Grammar - 6.5 Laugh with Limericks (Wednesday; 21/2) (Thursday; 22/2)

K: Know the pattern of limericks.

U: Understand the language structures of limericks.

D: Identify the figurative languages in limericks.

Words of the Day

1. Limerick

2. Hilarious

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 170 in your learner book. Write today's day and date in your Grammar book.

What is a limerick? Let's look at the language focus on page 172!

Here's a limerick by Nitesh Aggarwal:

There once was a boy, named Abdul;

Went to get a job, fresh out of school
All dressed up like July,

With a bow and a tie;

But left his fly open, what a fool!

Task 1

Please refer to pages 171-172 in your learner book. Answer all of Set 1 and only write your answers in your Grammar book.


  1. Sample answers (Please check and mark your answers):

    1a. Five lines. Lines 1,2, and 5 are the longer. Lines 3 and 4 are shorter.

    1b AABBA

    1c. humour, nonsense, fun, light-hearted (your answer can be similar to these terms).

    1d. alliteration, rhyme, palindrome. (Repetition is not a figurative language).

    1e. (Choose and copy 3 out of the rules in the language focus).


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