Grammar - 7.2 Language Matters (Monday; 26/2) (Tuesday; 27/2)

K: Know the different features of narrative.

U: Investigate using connectives according to purpose.

D: Explore paragraphs and different sentence types.

Words of the Day

1. Unless

2. Concession

Let's begin!

Please refer to page 181 in your learner book. Write the day and date in your Grammar book.

Do you remember what connectives are?

It is a word or phrase whose function is to link other linguistic units.

There are many purposes of connectives:

1. Add information - Bring up similarities in ideas. Example: in addition, also.

2. Mark a contrast - Bring up differences in ideas. Example: however, that being said.

3. Show cause and effect - Explain why something happened. Example: because of this, as a result

4. Show purpose - Helps audience focus on main ideas. Example: so that, so

5. Provide example - To give example. Example: for example, in particular.

6. Give a reason - Provide reasoning. Example: because, since

7. Set a condition - Shows possibilities. Example: if, unless

8. Make a concession - agree to let them do or have something, especially in order to end an argument or conflict. Example: nevertheless, while

Task 1

Please refer to pages 182-183 in your learner book. Do all of Set 2 in your Grammar book.

Please 2a, please write the sentences before writing your answer.

You have 30 minutes for this task.

Task 2/Homework

Please refer to pages 183-184 in your learner book. Do all of Set 3 and only write your answers in your Grammar book.

You have 20 minutes for this task.


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