Comprehension - 1.1 What Makes a Story a Story? (Monday; 2/9)

K: Know specialised story.

U: Understand themes.

D: Retell a story.


Words of the Day

1. Story

2. Genre


Let's Begin!

Prepare your English learner's book and an English notebook (the blue activity book). 

Open to page 10 in your learner's book.

As a group, work together to match the words with their definition (meaning). Please use a pencil to write your answers in your learner's book.

You have 10 minutes for this task.

Task 1

Please go to page 11 in your learner's book.

For 1a, create a mindmap in an A4 paper. Try to find the words from 'Getting Started' that match the same meaning with 'story'.

Later, one volunteer will discuss the meaning.

You have 20 minutes for this task.

Task 2

Please go to page 11 in your learner's book. Look at the questions in 1c. Do you remember your first stories?

Now, answer Set 2a and write your answers in your English notebook.

As your mini homework, please answer Set 2a until 2d. Please write the notes in your homework journal:

1.1 Set 2a-2d 

Due date: Wednesday; 4/9

Then, let Ms Farah sign your journal.


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