Grammar - 2.6 Alphabetical Order (Tuesday; 22/10)

K: Order words alphabetically.

U: Understand the purpose of a dictionary.

D: Write definition of words.


Words of the Day

1. Dictionary

2. Glossary


Let's Begin!

Refer to page 39 in your workbook and write the day and date.

Try to arrange these words in alphabetical order.

cats dogs bird snakes elephants camel carp cow zebra zigzagoon 

Task 1

Please refer to page 40 in your workbook.

You have 10 minutes for this task.


Task 2

Please refer to page 40 to 41 in your workbook.

You have 5 minutes for this task.

Task 3

Please refer to page 41 to 42 in your workbook.

You have 15 minutes for this task.



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