Grammar - 2.2 Key Words, Phrases and Sentences (Tuesday; 5/11)

K: Identify key words and phrases in sentences.

U: Check peer's works for meaning and accuracy.

D: Use key words and phrases to write full sentences.


Words of the Day

1. Phrase

2. Sentence


Let's Begin!

In your learner's book, open to page 45. Write the day and date in your notebook.


Task 1

On page 46 in your learner's book, answer 1a and 1b. You can write your answers in your learner's book. 

You have 5 minutes for this task.

Task 2

In groups, go to pages 46 and 47 and do 1c, 2a, and 2b. You will start your task accordingly in your assigned group.

You have 25 minutes to finish the task.

Here are the group task!

Mammal group - 1a, 2c, & 2b

Reptile group - 2c, 2b, & 1a

Fish group - 2b, 1a, & 2c



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