Composition - Writing a Topic Sentence (Wednesday; 26/2)

K: Know how to elaborate the topic.

U: Understand the amount of sentences needed per paragraph.

D: Write 3 topic sentences.


Words of the Day

1. Elaborate

2. Fact


Let's Begin!

How was your introduction? Did you introduce your topic?

Today, we are going to write topic sentences!


A topic sentence is a sentence that introduces a paragraph by presenting the one topic that will be the focus of that paragraph. 

Remember, 1 different topic sentence equals 1 new paragraph.


Now, let's look at the structure:

Sentence 1 - Topic sentence

Example: Fennec foxes have a very fluffy look.


Sentence 2 - Explain your topic sentence.

Example: They have long, soft, and thick coats.


Sentence 3 - Explain your topic sentence.

Example: Their tails are very bushy.


Sentence 4 - Give an example.

Example: For example, touching a Fennec fox feels like holding a teddy bear! 

So, it will look something like this:

    Fennec foxes are very fluffy! They have long, soft, and thick coats. Their tails are very bushy. For example, touching a Fennec fox feels like holding a teddy bear!


Task 1

Using the test pad from yesterday, continue your essay by writing 3 topic sentences.

Use the last questions from your animal fact files, write down your topic sentences.


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