Grammar: Possesive Pronouns (Tuesday; 6/7) (Thursday; 8/7)

K: Know the spellings of possessive pronouns.

U: Understand the use of possessive pronouns.

D: Use them properly in a sentence.

Words of the Day

1. Possessive Pronouns

2. Ownership

Possessive Pronouns

Task Time

Please refer to textbook page 139. Do Part A and Part B in the Quizizz website below.

Please use your real name. If nickname, put your real name in a bracket.

5 Autumnus

5 Ver

5 Hiems

5 Aestas


Please refer to textbook page 139. Please do Part C in either a test pad or in the discussion room's post.

Your task is to create a short conversation about a mysterious item, using possessive pronouns at least 5 times. Other students will then guess the item in the replies of your post. The word limit of this task is 25 - 50 words.

Your writing must be in a form of a script. Do you remember the playscript features? Here is an example of a script about two siblings fighting over an item:

Farah: This is mine! You can't just barge into my room and get it!

Faizal: Just because it was in your room doesn't mean it's yours!

Farah: Yes it is! It's for my head to lie on. It's on my bed. So it's mine.

Faizal: You took it from her bedroom, so it's never yours to begin with!

Can you guess what the item is? Can you identify the amount of possessive pronouns used?

Please write this in your homework journal:

Grammar. TB page 139. Discussion Room/Testpad. Due: Monday (12/7)

Submit the picture/document of your work or type the conversation in the discussion room below:

5 Autumnus

5 Ver

5 Hiems

5 Aestas


  1. Extra Possessive Quizizz:




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