
Showing posts from September, 2023

Grammar - Workbook 1.6, 1.7 & 1.8 (Thursday; 28/9) (Friday; 29/9)

K: Know the grammar components. U: Understand the phrases to complete it into a sentence. D: Check and mark your answers. Workbook 1.6 1a. White bears have an excellent sense of smell. 1b. I interviewed anyone who had ever seen a white bear to find out more. 1c. The Saami believe you should know everything about the white bear before hunting one. 2. b and c 3. (Add your own answers. Make sure to add a comma after writing the first phrase.) 4. (Depending on your answers in 3, underline subject [the one doing the action] and verb [the action].) 5. (Write your own answers like question 3. Make sure you check your spelling and punctuation). Workbook 1.7 1a. the 1b. a 1c. (no article. leave empty.) 1d. a 1e. the 2b. verbs 2c. pronouns 2d. prepositions 2e. nouns 2f. adjectives 2g. adverbs 2h. interjections 3. (Your own answer. Write down at least 10 prepositions you know and remember. Here is a website with a list of prepositions. ) 4. (read from left to right) between; in front of; through;

Comprehension - 2.5 Explore Biographies (Tuesday; 26/9) (Friday; 29/9)

K: Know the difference between biographies and news articles. U: Understand the layout of a biography. D: Identify the differences between a biography and a news article. Words of the Day 1. Biography 2. News article Let's begin! Features/Layout of a biography: 1. Chronological order. 2. Factual and accurate. 3. Uses third person POV. 4. Give specific details like dates, places, times. 5. Usually in present tense unless the person is deceased. Task Time Please refer to page 56 in your learner book.  Please write all of your Set 1 answers in your Comprehension book. For this task, you need to find the differences between this biography and the news article. You have 30 minutes for this task. For 2e, you can choose to draw a table like the one below: Homework Do workbook practice 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8 by using any coloured pen except red. The sample answers will be out in a different blog post this Friday. Please check and mark your answers after answering them yourselves. Mark with any

Composition - 2.4 Report a Story (Monday; 25/9) (Tuesday; 26/9)

K: Identify the language features of a news article. U: Draft out a news report using its features. D: Write a news report. Words of the Day 1. Headline 2. Newsworthy Let's Begin! Refer to page 53 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Composition test pad. How to write a Newspaper Report 1. Create a catchy headline to catch people's attention. Example: Seladang Swam Their Way to Victory! 2. Add byline under your headline. Byline is the author's name aka you. Example: Farah Zulkifli 3. Plan your first and second paragraphs using 5W1H. Example: What: Annual Swimming Gala 2022 When: 22nd February 2022 Where: Cempaka Damansara Heights Who: Seladang house Why: Won the Swimming Gala How: By collecting the most points out of all houses. 4. Third or fourth paragraphs should have related information. You can use direct or reported speech. Example of direct speech: "It was a tough match but we won! I can't express how grateful I am to the team,

Grammar & Comprehension - 1.3, 1.4, & 1.5 (Workbook) (Monday; 18/9) (Friday; 22/9)

K: Know the grammar context. U: Revise the topics for Unit 1. D: Use sample answers to check answers 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 Words of the Day 1. Revise 2. Tense Workbook 1.3 1a. hyphen 1b. hyphen 1c. dash 1d. hyphen 1e. dash 2a. The box was full of interesting things -- things I had never seen before. 2b. My school --the one on the corner -- is the largest in the area. 2c. Gardening -- my favourite hobby -- is a relaxing weekend activity. 2d. We -- working together -- managed to build the model aeroplane before everyone else. 2e. I wish my friend -- the one from Kuala Lumpur -- would tell me some of the folktales from her region. 3a. climax 3b. additional information 2c. aside or comment 2d. climax 2e. additional information Workbook 1.4 1a. Present 1b. It gives the sense of immediacy, as if the action is happening as the reader reads. 1c. It's talking about something in the past. 1d. The future tense tense is used in the last sentence - to foreshadow what is to come. 2a. First person 2b

Composition - 2.3 Layout and Purpose (Thursday; 21/9) (Friday; 22/9)

K: Identify a news article structure and purpose. U: Learn and use reporting jargon. D: Summarize the main idea of an article. Words of the Day 1. Lead 2. Jargon Let's Begin! Please refer to pages 51-52 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Composition test pad. Task 1 Please refer to page 52 in your learner's book.   Let's discuss all of Set 1 and you can write your notes in your learner's book. You have 15 minutes for this task. Task 2 Please refer to page 49 and page 52 in your learner's book.   Answer Set 2a and 2b and write your answers in your Composition test pad For 2a, you can choose to sketch your own inverted pyramid or write them down as a list. For 2b, your summary should be at most 100 words. You have 30 minutes for this task. For those who did not bring their newspaper/magazine, use the Poorna Malavath article from 2.2.

Comprehension - 2.2 Read All About It (Wednesday; 20/9) (Thursday; 21/9)

K: Know information from a news article. U: Identify facts and opinions. D: Share opinions in a group discussion. Words of the Day 1. Fact 2. Opinion Let's Begin! Please refer to pages 48-49 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Comprehension book. Task 1 Please refer to page 48 in your learner's book.   Answer Set 1a to 1e and write your answers in your Comprehension book. You have 20 minutes to answer. Task 2/Homework Please refer to page 50 in your learner's book.   Answer Set 2a until 2f in your Comprehension book. Take 30 minutes to do this task. Please write the reminder below in your HW journal: LB 2.2 Set 2 (Monday;25/9)

Grammar - 2.1 Making Headlines (Tuesday; 19/9) (Wednesday; 20/9)

K: Analyze headlines. U: Identify language techniques. D: Make up catchy headlines. Words of the Day 1. Headlines 2. Summary Task 1 Please refer to pages 45-46 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Grammar book. Let's look at Set 1 together! Answer all of Set 1 and write only your answers in your learner's book. You have 20 minutes for this task. Do you remember active and passive voices? Active - Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) Example - Ken (subject) is riding (verb) a horse. (object) Passive - Object + Verb + Subject (OVS) Example - Ms Farah (object) is being chased (verb) by Mrs Choo. (subject) Do you remember compound and complex sentences? Compound - A combination of 2 or more main clauses in a sentence. They use coordinating conjunctions (FANBOYS) as connectives. Example - My car broke down so I went home. Complex - A combination of 1 main clause and 1 or more subordinate clauses in a sentence. If the subordinate clause starts fir

Composition - 1.11 & 1.12 Create Voice 4 at the Museum (Thursday; 14/9) (Friday; 15/9)

K: Know the context of Voices 1, 2, and 3 at the museum. U: Understand what happened to Voice 4 at the museum. D: Write to bring Voice 4 to life in our story. Words of the Day 1. Authentic 2. Draft Let's Begin! Please refer to page 41 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Composition test pad. Task 1 Please refer to page 41 in your learner's book.   Read Voices 1, 2, and 3 from pages 35 to 36 and use those references to answer 1a.  You can choose to write your notes either in your composition book or learner's book. You have 15 minutes for this task. Task 2 Please refer to page 42 in your learner's book.   Answer Set 2a and write your draft and essay in your test pad Composition. The word limit is 200-250. You can use this guideline to create your story: Introduction - What did Jax and Maximillian do when Purple Coat Lady approached them? Where they scolded? Did Max cry? Did he hide behind Jax? Or did Max escape with Jax before Lady could

Comprehension - 1.9 Voices (Wednesday; 13/9) (Thursday; 14/9)

K: Explore standard and colloquial English. U: Infer characters from details. D: Read about events and different perspectives. Words of the Day 1. Colloquial 2. Idiomatic Let's begin! Please refer to page 34 in your learner's book and write today's day and date in your Comprehension book. Task 1 Read Voice 1, Voice 2, and Voice 3 on pages 35 to 36. Let's read together! For 1a to 1c, we will discuss the answers verbally; you can choose to write your answers in your learner's book. For 1d, 1e, and 1f, you are to write your answers in your learner's book. You have 20 minutes for this task. Task 2 Do all of Set 2 and write your answers in your Comprehension book. You have 20 minutes for this task.

Grammar - 1.7 Review Word Class (Tuesday; 12/9) (Wednesday; 13/9)

K: Identify each word class. U: Differentiate a same word with numerous word classes. D: Find the definition of homographic words. Words of the Day 1. Adverb 2. Adjective Let's Begin! Please refer to page 26 in your learner's book.   Write today's day and date in your Grammar book. Task 1 Please refer to page 26 in your learner's book.  Copy the meaning all the word classes from this blog to your Grammar book. Afterwards, do 1a3 and write the examples in your Grammar book. You have 15 minutes for this task. Noun -   a word used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things. Adjective - a word describing nouns or a noun. Verb -  a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence. Adverb -  a word that can modify or describe a  verb ,  adjective , another adverb. Pronoun - a word replacing a noun such as a person's name. Preposition - a word  expressing a relation to another word or element in the clause. Connectives -  words or phrases that link