
Showing posts from November, 2021

Composition: 5.8 & 5.9 Present a Balanced View (Wednesday; 1/12) (Thursday; 2/12)

K: Know how to plan a balanced report. U: Understand the opinions of both sides. D: Write a balanced report. Words of the Day 1. Argument 2. Bias Let's Begin! Please refer to pages 148 - 150 in your learner book. Here is the layout of a news report: i) Headline - Tells us what the story is about. ii) Byline – shows who wrote the story. iii) Lead (Topic sentence) – tells the most important facts. iv) Body (Points for/against) – contains more information and details. v) Ending (Conclusion) – gives something to think about. Task Time Please refer to pages 149 - 150 in your learner book. Please write today's day and date in your Composition book. For Set 1, choose a topic and jot down notes that go for and against the topic. You are encouraged to write your draft. Your balanced report should be around 250 - 300 words. For Set 2, get feedback from a partner of your choice. Your partner can be your friend or family member. Write down the feedback and try to change your report to mak

Comprehension: 5.6 A Balanced Report (Tuesday; 30/11) (Wednesday; 1/12)

K: Know the contents of the balanced report. U: Understand the meaning of the balanced report. D: Identify the features of the balanced report. Words of the Day 1. Balanced report. 2. Objective Let's begin! Please refer to page 144 in your Comprehension book.   Task Time Please refer to pages  144 - 146 in your learner book.  Answer Set 1 in your Comprehension book. Only write your answers. Extra Task Please refer to page 146 in your learner book. Please write your answers for Set 2 in your Comprehension book. Please do 2a, 2b, and 2d (or 2c in your learner book). Here is the layout of a news and balanced report: i) Headline - Tells us what the story is about. ii) Byline – shows who wrote the story. iii) Lead – tells the most important facts (5W1H). iv) Body – contains more information and details. v) Ending – gives something to think about. For 6 Aestas, please submit your work in the discussion room.

Grammar: 5.4 Express Possibility (Monday; 29/11)

K: Revise complex sentences. U: Understand conditional clauses. D: Use conditional clause in a sentence. Words of the Day 1. Compound sentence 2. Complex sentence Let's begin! Please refer to page 140 in your learner book. Prepare your Grammar book and write today's day and date. Compound sentence - C onsists of two or more independent clauses joined with a comma and coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS). Complex sentence - I s formed by adding one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses to the main (independent) clause using conjunctions and/or relative pronouns. Task Time 1 Please refer to page 140 in your learner book. Write only your answers in your Grammar book. For Set 1, only do 1b. Please write the sentence before your answers. Task Time 2 Please refer to page 141 in your learner book. Let's read and understand conditional clause together. For the second task, please answer Set 2 in your Grammar book. Do not forget to write the sentences before your answers. For 6

Comprehension: 5.3 Support a View (Tuesday; 25/11) (Friday; 26/11)

K: Know the facts on climate change. U: Understand how to summarize and explain. D: Share opinions with peers. Words of Day 1. Generation 2. Excess Let's begin! Please refer to your learner book pages 137 - 139. Please answer Set 1 and write your answers in your Comprehension book. Task Time 2 Please refer to the learner book page 139. Please answer Set 2 and write them in your Comprehension book.  Task Time 3 Please refer to page 139 in your learner book.  You will be placed in breakout rooms and have a small debate on one of the topics above. You may write your notes in your Comprehension book. Take note on the important tips. For 6 Aestas, please submit your work in the discussion room.

Examination: Term 1 English Paper 1 and Paper 2 (Wednesday; 24/11)

K: Know which link to go to. U: Understand the instruction of each task. D: Do Term 1 English Examination. Let's begin! Please take note of very important rules before and during you do your online exam: 1. For desktop and laptop users, you must have your camera switched on with your face shown. 2. For I-Pad or tab users, while doing the Schoology quiz, you can have your video switched off but you have to be unmuted with a quiet and peaceful surrounding. When you do your Section B which is composition, you must turn on your camera to have your face shown; only then you can be muted. 3. Have a bottled water near you so you do not need to go far to take it. 4. Section B (Composition) must be written in a testpad or long notebook.  5. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. Under absolutely no circumstances are you to get assistance or guidance from your parents, guardians, or friends. This is for your future. Be honest and responsible and it will get you far as you grow older. If any of these

Grammar: Term 1 Revision (Tuesday; 23/11)

K: Know the Term 1 grammar topics. U: Understand Term 1 grammar topics. D: Apply the grammar topics in your tasks. As a reminder, here is the list of what is coming tomorrow for your English Exam: 1.     Paper 1 (Non-fiction)   -      Pronouns , proper nouns, relative pronouns .   -     Direct and Reported speech   -     Parenthesis   -     Biography (Composition): Please conduct a research about a famous person of your choice.  2.     Paper 2 (Fiction)   -      Personification , metaphor , and extended metaphor.   -     Quantifiers   -     Active and passive voices   -     Suffixes   -     Chapter 4 of your science fiction  (Composition) Please click on the respective links to revise further on the topic. You are also encouraged to use your textbooks and learner books for recapping the topics. Task Time Time to test your knowledge. Please click on the respective class link to test your knowledge of the grammar topics. Complete it before the exam tomorrow. 6 Hiems 6 Autumnus 6 Ver 6 A

Composition: Biography Revision (Monday; 22/11)

K: Know the features of biography. U: Understand how to use the biography features. D: Write a biography about one of your family members or friends. Words of the Day 1. Biography 2. Achievements Biography Features Biography is an account of someone's life written by someone else. There are a few key elements when you write your biography: 1. Name of the person. Date and place of birth. 2. Childhood. What was their life like as a kid? 3. Educational background. Both primary until university depending on the person. 4. Professional experience. What is their job? Or what was their job? 5. Area of expertise. What are their hobbies? What are they good at? 6. Major achievements. What is their biggest success?  7. Where are they now? If they are dead, where is their funeral? If they are alive, what are they doing now? A biography is mostly written in past tense and uses 3rd POV. There are 7 elements, which makes up to either 5-6 contents of paragraphs. For each content, remember

Grammar: 5.1 Poles Apart (Thursday; 18/11) (Friday; 19/11)

K: Compare two places using facts and opinions. U: Understand connectives. D: Write a convincing summary using facts, opinions, and connectives. Words of the Day 1. Constellation 2. Connectives Please refer to page 128 in your learner book. Task Time 1 Please refer to pages 128 - 129 in your learner book. Write only your answers in your Grammar book.  Please answer all Set 1 questions. Task Time 2 Please refer to pages 130 - 131 in your learner book. Write only your answers in your Grammar book. Please answer 2a and 2b. Homework Please refer to page 130 - 131 in your learner book. Please answer question 2c in your Grammar book. This is due next Monday (22/11). Please write this in your Homework Journal: Grammar. 5.1 Q2c. Due: Monday (22/11) For 6 Aestas, please submit your scanned/pictured works in your discussion room.

Comprehension: 5.2 A News Report (Wednesday; 17/11) (Thursday; 18/11)

K: Identify the difference between fact and opinion. U: Understand the language and layout of a news report. D: Skim through the contents of a news report. Words of the Day 1. Climate change 2. News report Please refer to page 132 in your learner book. Read and skim through the news report for important information. Task Time Please refer to pages 132 and 137 in your learner book.   Write only your answers in your Comprehension book. Answer all questions from set 1 and set 2 EXCEPT 2f. For 6 Aestas, please submit your scanned/pictured works in your discussion room.