
Showing posts from May, 2021

Reading: An Eagle in the Snow Part 1: Chapters 2 and 3 (Tuesday; 1/6) (Friday; 4/6)

K: Know Gentleman's backstory so far. U: Understand how the story started out in Part 1. D: Answer Quizizz questions about P1:C2 and C3. Words of the Day 1. Nyctophobia 2. Backstory Task Time 1 Do you think Gentleman's feelings over his current life were justified? Do you think Barney's reactions to shooting and explosion were quite normal? Do you have a phobia like Barney? Task Time 2 Ensure that your real name is being used. If nickname, put your real name in a bracket. 5 Autumnus 5 Aestas 5 Ver 5 Hiems Attempt until you get 100%. Enjoy :) Reading Homework For your task, please read Part Two: Billy Byron (Chapters 1, 2 and 3). For those using BooksVooks, you can start from page 29 to page 52. The Quizizz dates are as below: 5 Autumnus - Tuesday (8/6) 5 Aestas, Ver, and Hiems - Friday (11/6)

Grammar: Words ending in -ed and -ing (Tuesday; 1/6)

K: Know the participles -ed and -ing. U: Understand the spelling rules of -e and -y. D: Covert the words using the spelling rules. Words of the Day 1. Consonant 2. Vowels Words ending in -ed and -ing Please refer to textbook page 120. Can you think of any word with its last letter being a consonant that follows the -ed and -ing rule? holler -> hollered -> hollering Can you think of any word with its last letter being a vowel that follows the -ed and -ing rule? die -> died -> dying Task Time Please use your real name. If nickname, please put your real name in a bracket. Attempt until you get 100%. 5 Ver 5 Autumnus 5 Hiems 5 Aestas

Composition: Writing a Draft of your Persuasive Writing

K: Know the facts of the issue we are justifying. U: Understand how to persuade readers to adopt our viewpoint. D: Do a draft about a real life purpose. Words of the Day 1. Justify 2. Persuasive letter Persuasive Letters Please refer to textbook page 142. Task/Homework Time Please refer to textbook page 143. Create a draft of a persuasive letter where you are required to research and save an endangered animal of your choice. Remember: Your draft must be short, simple, and straight to the point. Things to be included in your draft: 1. Habitat of the animal. 2. How many of them are left. 3. How the animals survive. 4. Reasons for decrease. 5. Our actions to stop the decrease of the animal population. You can type your draft OR you can write your draft in a testpad and post a picture of your written work in the Discussion Room in Week 35 of your Homeroom course -> English folder. Click on the respective classes below to go to your room: 5 Autumnus 5 Hiems 5 Ver 5 Aestas Please write t

Composition: Introduction to Persuasive Writing (Thursday; 27/5)

K: Know what persuasive writing is. U: Understand the features of persuasive writing. D: Identify the features in an example of a persuasive writing. Words of the Day 1. Persuade 2. Viewpoint What is Persuasive Writing? Persuasive writing  is used to convince or persuade a reader that the writer's opinion of a topic or cause is correct. Features of a Persuasive Writing 1. Title implies the point of view. The title of your writing should already show which viewpoint you stand or agree. Example: 'Workers should have 3 Days of Weekend'. 2. Reasons to support viewpoint. In order to ensure that your viewpoint is valid and strong, you should provide at least 3 reasons. Example: It provides sufficient rest. Adults are more motivated after a full rest. It nearly balances the ratio of work days and rest days. 3. Facts and evidences to support reasons. Each reason must be backed up with facts and evidences. Reasearch is necessary in order to persuade readers. 4. Connectives to link i

Reading: An Eagle in the Snow Part 1 - Chapter 1 (Tuesday; 25/5) (Friday; 28/5)

K: Know the content of Part 1: Chapter 1. U: Understand the introduction of An Eagle in the Snow. D: Answer Quizizz questions about Part 1: Chapter 1. Task Time What do you think of the characters so far? What do you think of the introduction? Its slow-paced? Or did it give you a sense of curiosity about the buildup of the story? Ensure that you use your real name for the quiz. If nickname, put your real name in a bracket. 5 Autumnus 5 Aestas 5 Ver 5 Hiems Attempt until you get 100%. Have fun! :) Reading Homework For your task, please read Part One: The 11:50 to London (Chapter 2 and Chapter 3) . For those using the BooksVooks website, you can start on page 15  to page 28. There will be Quizizz question related to P1:C2 and P1:C3. The Quizizz dates are as below: 5 Autumnus - Next Tuesday (1/6) 5 Aestas, Ver, and Hiems - Next Friday (4/6) Happy reading!

Grammar: Synonyms (Tuesday; 25/5)

K: Know what synonyms are. U: Understand what shades of meaning are. D: Use a dictionary to look up new synonyms. Words of the Day 1. Synonyms 2. Antonyms Synonyms Please refer to textbook page 117. Let's read together! Look at Part A and identify the minor differences of each word. Task Time Please click on your respective class links for the Quizizz. Remember to write your real name. If nickname, put your real name in a bracket. 5 Ver 5 Autumnus 5 Hiems 5 Aestas Attempt until you get 100%. Have fun :) Homework Please do pages 56-57 of your workbook. This is due this Friday (28/5). Write the reminder below in your homework journal. WB. Synonyms pgs 56/57. Due Friday (28/5)

Comprehension: Saruni's Story Continues (Monday; 24/5)

K: Know how to skim for specific information. U: Understand the language and reason for writer's writing choice. D: Discuss the answers in the discussion room. Words of the Day 1. Murete 2. pikipiki Saruni's Story Continues... Please refer to textbook page 122. Let's read together! Task Time Please refer to textbook page 123. Let's do Parts A, B, and C! Let's discuss the answers in Schoology Discussion Room. It can be found in Week 34 of your English folder in your Homeroom Course.  You only need to type the part titles and your answers. Please go to your respective class links. 5 Autumnus 5 Hiems 5 Ver 5 Aestas This discussion room will be opened until this Friday (28/5).

Spelling Set 10: Dreams and Tales (Thursday; 21/5)

K: Know the spelling words Set 10. U: Understand the Set 10 words' definition. D: Create a sentence for each Set 10 word. Task 1 (Spelling) Remember to write your real name. If you write a nickname, add your real name in a bracket. Once done, notify Ms Farah via Zoom chat and move on with Task 2. 5 Ver 5 Hiems 5 Aestas 5 Autumnus Task 2 (Definition) Remember to write your real name. If you write a nickname, add your real name in a bracket. Once done, notify Ms Farah via Zoom chat and move on with Task 3. 5 Ver 5 Hiems 5 Aestas 5 Autumnus Task 3 (Sentence Creation) Remember to write your real name. If you write a nickname, add your real name in a bracket. Once done, notify Ms Farah via Zoom chat and wait for her to check your progress. When your progress is recorded, you may dismiss the class. 5 Ver 5 Hiems 5 Aestas 5 Autumnus

Comprehension: Wombat Goes Walkabout (Wednesday; 19/5)

K: Know the features of different fiction genres. U: Understand the need of shortening sentences and repetition of words. D: Use this story as basis for writing our own version. Words of the Day 1. wombat 2. native Wombat Goes Walkabout Please refer to textbook page 118-119. Let's read together! Task Time Please refer to textbook page 119. Write the mini title, questions, and your answers in the Discussion Section in your Schoology. Click on the link below to go to your respective class discussions: 5 Autumnus - Click here! 5 Hiems - Click here! 5 Ver - Click here! 5 Aestas - Click here!

Reading: An Eagle in the Snow (Tuesday; 18/5) (Friday; 21/5)

K: Know the summary of An Eagle in the Snow. U: Understand the main character in the story. D: Read Part One - Chapter 1 of An Eagle in the Snow. Words of the Day 1. Eagle 2. Snow An Eagle in the Snow by Michael Morpurgo It is based on a true story and is about a man who could had have stopped the second world war from happening. It is 1940 and Barney and his Nan are on a train escaping to the countryside but a German fighter planes tries to shoot the train, meaning it has to hide in the tunnel. A strange man sitting opposite them decides to tell them a story about his friend, Billy Byron, the most decorated soldier of the first world war, the person who had a chance to end the war before it even began. But sometimes the truth is hard to see and even harder to live with… For those who do not have the physical copy of the book, fear not! Click on this link to read the e-book version :) Once you're on the website, scroll downwards until you see the links below: Click on whichever you

Grammar: Getting the Verb Tense Right (Tuesday; 18/5)

K: Know the irregular past tenses. U: Understand how to use past tense of the auxiliary 'be'. D: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb tense. Words of the Day 1. Verb 2. Verb tense Time to do the task! Please refer to textbook page 116. Write the title, questions, and your answers in your Grammar book. Don't forget to write today's day and date. Example on how I want to see in your Grammar book: Part A Slowly, very slowly, Ali approached the old wooden door. What was on the other side? (continue the text in your Grammar book) Part B 1. I was sorry that I had smashed the vase, because I liked it. Part C 1. I wanted to draw the cat. I drew the cat quite horribly. Please send your work in your Homeroom course - > English -> Week 33 -> Assignment Section. Once done, type done in chat :)

Composition: Poetry Competition (Monday; 17/5)

K: Know the genres of poems. U: Understand the features of a poem. D: Write a poem for the poetry competition. Cempaka E-Poetry Competition Rules: Junior Category 3 - Upper Primary (Year 5 and Year 6) 1. This competition is open to all participants. 2. There is 1 theme for this category: Weathering the Storm 3. You are encouraged to write your poem in any poetic genre that you wish. 4. You can be creative in reciting your poem! There are many ways for you to submit your poem to the respective teacher in charge: i - You can send your PDF document to the Assignment Section in Schoology. Your poem can be written in Google Doc or Microsoft Word. ii - You can send a video of your poem recitation to the Assignment Section in Schoology. 5. There will be 3 rounds. 6. For Round 1, it is due next Friday (11/6). Please write the sentence below in your HW Journal: Poetry Competition. Due: Monday (11/6) The Many Types of Poems For poems, some need to have a rhyming sequence where others don't.

Composition: Writing a Suspense Story (Thursday; 6/5)

K: Know the setting of our story. U: Understand the imagery and figurative language to evoke imaginative responses. D: Write a suspense story. Task Time It's a race against time! In 30 minutes , write a suspense story that is related to the content below. Make sure that the content must be inserted in your story. I began to pick up the pace. The footsteps were getting closer, and I could tell the person--or the thing--was walking faster. I knew what they wanted, but I wasn't about to give up. Organize your description in three paragraphs. Paragraph 1 - Where were you when the incident happened? What was the time and weather? Paragraph 2 - What or who was chasing you? What did you do next? Paragraph 3 - Did you get away? What was the ending of the story? Write your suspense story in your Composition book. Once time is out, you need to submit your work to Ms Farah. Submit the picture or document in Homeroom Course -> Cempaka@Home -> English -> Week 32

Comprehension - My Rows and Piles of Coins (Wednesday; 5/5)

K: Know the features of realistic fiction. U: Understand why the character acted as they did. D: Compare the structures of different stories. Words of the Day 1. Chores 2. Motivation Bicycle Dreams Please refer to textbook page 114. Let's read together! Task Time Please refer to textbook page 115. Write the mini title, questions, and your answers in your Comprehension book. Example: Part A 1. Which two statements about Saruni are true? b. He wanted a bicycle so that he could help his mother. c. He wanted the bicycle he was buying to be a surprise for his mother. Mini Task Please refer to textbook page 115. Let's discuss the answers together!

Grammar: More Prepositions 2 (Tuesday; 4/5) (Friday; 7/5)

K: Know what prepositions are. U: Understand the relationship of time, place, direction, and such. D: Create a sentence using proper prepositions. Words of the Day 1. Prepositions 2. Eid al-Fitr Click here for the preposition recap. Prepositions Please refer to workbook page 52.  Please do Part A and Part B. Don't forget to write today's day and date. Holiday Homework Go to your class's Quizizz and create a sentence based on each preposition. 5 Aestas - Click here! 5 Ver - Click here! 5 Hiems - Click here! 5 Autumnus - Click here! Remember to use your real name to participate. If nickname, ensure to put your real name in a bracket or else I will delete. This Quizizz will be closed on 14th May 2021 (Sunday). And last but not least, Eid Mubarak to my fellow Muslim students and Happy Holidays to my fellow non-Muslim students!

Grammar: Complex Sentences (Tuesday; 4/5)

K: Know the differences between main clause and subordinate clause. U: Understand where to separate clauses using commas. D: Place the correct commas in a complex sentence. Words of the Day 1. Comma 2. Complex sentence Complex Sentence Please refer to textbook page 113. Let's read the green box together. Write Part A in your Grammar book. Just write the title and the answers. Example: Part A 1. If I can find them, we will have sweets after dinner. Write Part B in your Grammar book. Just write the title and the answers. Example: Part B 1. Mia, my best friend, was late for school yesterday. Homework Please refer to your workbook, page 53.  Don't forget to write the day and date. Please write this in your HW Journal: Complex Sentences. WB. Page 53. (Thurs; 6/5)

Spelling Set 9: It's a Small World (Monday; 3/5)

K: Know the spelling Set 9 words. U: Understand the definition of Set 9 words. D: Do a definition of Set 9 words. Time to spell! Click here for Task 1. Click here for Task 2. Click here for Task 3.